
Tank is done

This is the last Monday at work for me!!!! So much to do this week, so it will really fly by. Tomorrow after work I have to go to Kaiser and pick up my meds. Wednesday I go to Gary's so that Thursday morning we can go to the bank and transfer our savings into my checking account, and some into cash. Thursday I stay home since Bri will take my car in for tires on Friday. Friday after she returns my car I have to go to Verizon and get a phone for Gary, and have them both switched to a Rapid City area code. Also, need to pack for the road trip!!!

Evelyn's tank top Posted by Hello

This is the tank top I made for Evelyn. I made it smaller than the directions called for, but it's still too big for even a year old girl! I think it'll fit her when she's 3. I used size 5 needles and cotton yarn. I'm going to try again, this time on size 3 with the Lorna Laces wool I'm using for the shorts. Speaking of which, I finished knitting the shorts....just need to sew them up. I hate sewing, so this will be done later.

Got more yarn sold on eBay over the weekend! Didn't make much, but at least I have less to move. Think I'll try to sell more once we get settled in SD.

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